I have a long-standing comrade, a former miner who fought in their yearlong strike. Always a union guy, he voted Labour all ...
As Britain became an increasingly industrial ... However, it was very difficult to change your social class unless, like Pip, you had money. Those with no money at all might fall into a life ...
And four-fifths of those surveyed said there was a large gap between the social classes in Britain today. Also, although 47% said they were better off financially than their parents, this dropped ...
Our panel will ask - does social class still matter in Britain in the 21st century? Aditya Chakrabortty (@chakrabortty) is senior economics commentator for the Guardian, where he writes a regular ...
Some political analysts argue social class remains the most important factor affecting voting behaviour in both Scotland and the UK. Over the years there has been a sustained and consistent ...
The course will begin by introducing traditional theories of social class and stratification before going on to examine the history and political significance of class in Britain, and how this ...