The slippery slope argument views decisions not on their own, but as the potential beginning of a trend. In general form, this argument says that if we allow something relatively harmless today ...
A few days earlier, the White House press pool gathered to enter the Oval Office for another day of Trump signing and comme ...
Lord Walton, Chairman, House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics looking into euthanasia, 1993 This is called the slippery slope argument. In general form it says that if we allow ...
The argument goes like this ... And the notion that there’s some slippery slope is dumb.” All the distinctions Bouie and others raise are sound, but they are unlikely to stop the slide ...
The argument comes at a time where access to ... emphasized a ruling that restricts the plaintiffs case would have a “slippery slope effect” on all kinds of drugs and medicine in the future ...
I would work to see medical aid-in-dying legislation enacted. MAID is fundamentally about the right of individuals to make ...