“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
The plot of Severance Season 3 is being kept tightly under wraps, but we finally have some hints what to expect.
First episode in three years sees Innie Mark attempt to reunite his old team of Helly, Dylan, and Irving, and introduces new ...
This story contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 1 of “Severance,” streaming now on Apple TV+. The Season 1 finale of ...
NPR's Scott Detrow speaks with Tramell Tillman and Britt Lower, stars of the Apple TV+ series Severance, about the show's highly-anticipated second season.
The series is an exquisite, masterful work of TV, cramming sci-fi creepiness, wry social commentary and black humor inside of a tightly constructed story.
The dystopian series starring Adam Scott, Zach Cherry, Britt Lower and John Turturro returns nearly three years after the ...
"Severance" season one introduced Mark, Helly, Dylan, and Irving's careers at Lumon. Here's a recap of what to remember for ...
As "Severance" finally returns, it's time we acknowledge that Apple TV+ is a great streaming service.
Severance Season 2 has premiered on Apple TV+ and after just one episode there are already some major theories about what new ...
Some new releases heading into the weekend are Apple TV's thriller "Severance," new Netflix movie "Back in Action" and J Lo's ...
Fox released a clip from the next episode of "Kitchen Nightmares: Road to Super Bowl LIX" on Friday. Gordon Ramsay's visit to Voleo's airs Tuesday.