Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa was born in October 1982 in Saudi Arabia, where he spent the first seven years of his life. In a rare ...
The Gulf States of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are quickly becoming premier venues for countries to bring their international ...
It is a war waged by radical Salafism, fueled by Iranian weapons and intelligence and Qatari funding, using the Palestinian cause as a pretext while aiming to destroy Israel and, ultimately ...
Terrorism in the Sahel has increased significantly, with deaths rising nearly tenfold since 2019, according to the Global ...
The House of Saud has distanced itself from strains of Salafism, a movement within Islam that is intended to return the religion to the purity of its first three generations. Qatar got into a ...
Many terrorists are reared on a nihilist ideology that is intertwined with Salafism. They do not repent in the real sense of the word. While many soldiers fight insurgency to live, Salafist ...
Plans to complete a PhD at Oxford on Salafism were shelved. What followed was nearly 10 years with the NSW government, working on programs to counter violent extremism and promote “social ...
The major socio-political projects that emerged in the Arab world over the past century have left opposing legacies for the future.
Founded in 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf, the terrorist group Boko Haram has stated its objectives, including promoting Salafism and opposing Western education in the country. Over the years, thousands ...
Both could have been signs of a growing interest in Salafism, the fundamentalist revival movement within Sunni Islam. Once they crossed the border, the recruits were welcomed by Iraqi soldiers ...