The world is witnessing a revival of authoritarianism and a very strong inclination towards utilitarianism which means dealing everyone with the same iron hands, be they opponents, dissents or the ...
The film "Recognition of Man" explores the Renaissance era, highlighting the revival of classical ideals and the emergence of ...
History bends and breaks under power’s weight, yet humanity thrives in relationships, not domination. The future is not ...
Tagore had an important answer to the question of whether the economic or the political should enjoy the primacy of place, in designing educational policy. He said: “Economic life covers the whole ...
Teddy Prout, accompanied by his piano, will explore the history and development of music as part of human experience on both personal and societal levels. Teddy Prout is a classically trained ...
and humanist scholars and artists promoted fame as an honourable ambition. Actively mobilised to empower and disenfranchise, fame in the Renaissance was remade and accelerated. This volume is part of ...
Renaissance thinkers believed the exterior world was the manifestation of something more profound. They aimed to build a better society. This pursuit of civic humanism linked Renaissance Italy to ...
Set between dramatic mountains and miles of coastline, this lesser-known region offers stunning scenery, outdoor adventure, food, wine, and history.
Prepare thyselves for a trip back to the 16th century without leaving the Valley. The annual Arizona Renaissance Festival has returned for its 37th season with its usual mix of merriment and revelry.