The zodiacal light shines in the evening as the Moon reaches Last Quarter and skims past Spica and Antares in the sky this ...
Sun dogs. You may have noticed these as a tiny rainbow spot in the sky. I get questions about these ... Typically, the colors go from red closest to the Sun, to blue on the outside of the Sun ...
Venus appears low in the evening sky, guiding us to Saturn. Jupiter makes an attractive sight below the Hyades and Mars remains a fine sight.
All seven of the other planets in our solar system are about to become visible at once in a great planetary alignment – here’s how to spot the celestial show ...
Dyaus (sky) and other figures. As the father of mythological figures such as Manu, Yama, Karna and Sugriva, Surya finds ...
Across Yorkshire people have been reacting to the spectacular display in the skies as four planets are in alignment. This ...
These two planets are visible in the southwest sky.Mars is currently at opposition from the Sun. That means the Sun and the "Red Planet" are directly opposite from each other with Earth in the middle.
It’s not specific to those dates, but six planets are now in the night sky ... it and the sun. Now closer to Earth than at any time since late 2022 and until early 2027, the red planet ...
“Red sky at night, sailors delight” alludes to a setting sun sending its light through a high concentration of dust particles. This usually indicates high pressure and stable air coming in ...
Just east of Betelgeuse is the fine binocular cluster NGC 2244. But the much fainter Rosette Nebula that lies around the ...
A red supergiant star 12 times the mass of the sun, Antares is one of the biggest stars we know of. Distinctly orangey-red to the observer (primarily through binoculars) and known as the “rival ...