Quantum dots – nanoparticles of semiconductors – were first theorized in the 1970s and then successfully synthesized in the early 1980s. When semiconductor particles are made small enough, they ...
Quantum dots are widely used for their ability to emit single photons at specific wavelengths. These photons are created by ...
Colloidal quantum dots are solution-based nanocrystals prized for their unique light-harvesting abilities. They can illuminate, create color, harness solar energy and function as semiconductors. These ...
Quantum dots that are small and non-blinking offer new opportunities for dynamic single-molecule imaging in live cells. Fluorescent dyes and proteins have been invaluable for visualizing the ...
Quantum dots are crystals of a fluorescent semiconductor material with a diameter of as few as 10 to 100 atoms (2-10 nm). They are used as labels for imaging molecules because of their very narrow ...
They created electronic light sensors that use water's molecular properties to enhance the performance of quantum dots. This approach solves a key problem that has limited quantum dot devices – the ...