Port Elgin is about to get another multi-home residential unit following he Site Plan application for 768 Arlington Street in Port Elgin. The numbered company, 1066517 Ontario Inc. has proposed the ...
After more than five years, the controversial proposed Port Elgin Beach project, which was known as the Cedar Crescent Village (CCV), and is now known as 2706913 Ontario Inc., due to a conflict in ...
An adult female was taken to hospital for assessment following a house fire in Port Elgin.. On Feb. 20 at approximately 3:55 p.m. Saugeen Shores Police said they were dispatched to a report of a fire ...
We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, or tap here to see other videos from our team. Just before 4 p.m., police, fire and paramedics were dispatched to a ...
Downtown Reno is being transformed this week as the Western Lights Festival takes over through Saturday. The free event lights up the city from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. spanning six blocks and three city ...
Newton, speaks during the Black Panther Party Museum’s “Survival Pending Revolution: The Black Panther Party Service to the People Program” exhibit opening on Broadway in downtown Oakland ...
Newton, speaks during the Black Panther Party Museum’s “Survival Pending Revolution: The Black Panther Party Service to the People Program” exhibit opening on Broadway in downtown Oakland ...
Matt Habib is converting what had been the Red Poppy Bistro in South Elgin into Legit Dogs & Ice, resurrecting yet another of the restaurants he once operated in downtown Elgin. Habib started ...
The expected rainfall is between 125mm to 300mm. By midday, pictures of the popular The Pont Holiday Resort in Port Edward being flooded have circulated on social media platforms. Leisure Bay ...