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Harrisburg — Pennsylvania Fish & Boat commissioners voted to authorize the acquisition of a property easement along North ...
Officials say they are trying to determine what parts of the area are owned by the nonprofit Ward Melville Heritage Organization and which might be publicly owned.
Plans to make the hydroelectric dam north of Mayo fish-friendly don ... Yukon Energy said through a separate process it will consider permanent repairs to make the spillway safer for fish.
As for the flatwater events, current plans have Wyaralong Dam, about 14 kilometres north ... with appropriate permanent infrastructure that provides a legacy home for rowing in Queensland beyond ...
Perpetua Resources, the mining company planning to dig in the mountains outside McCall, promises to clean up the site — including the damage done by decades of previous mining.
Australia only has one purpose-built whitewater facility for paddle sports. Those sports are determined to use Brisbane 2032 ...
With permanent repairs now complete on Highway 1 at Falls Creek (Jackass Mountain) and Nicomen, the focus is on restoring a grade separation at Tank Hill, 13 kilometres east of Lytton. The repairs ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Crews have successfully installed a temporary barrier at Longhorn Dam to prevent a further ... in place for several months until permanent repairs can be completed.
Bastrop city officials said residents will see a smaller rise in water levels along the Colorado River than originally expected following a gate failure at Longhorn Dam on the afternoon of Jan. 28.