Media sosial tengah dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video viral yang menarasikan Gua Safarwadi bisa tembus ke Kota Makkah.
Yet, by giving AI a religious framework like Islam, developers are not merely programming a set of guidelines. They are imposing a belief system, one that may have profound, even uncontrollable ...
Before the message of the Prophet Muhammad spread beyond the Arabian Peninsula, local medical attitudes were based on the words of the founder of Islam: “Make use of medical treatment ...
The attack, which left Khan with severe stab wounds to his thoracic spine, unfolded when the intruder confronted a staff member inside the actor's apartment. Khan reportedly intervened, leading to ...
Merebaknya pembongkaran makam keramat palsu di sejumlah daerah menegaskan bahwa wisata religi masih jadi salah satu primadona bisnis di Pulau Jawa.
The reason there has been a split into different branches is due to differences in belief about who was the rightful successor to the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the Muslim community after his ...
Social Enterprise Ghana, with support from the GIZ Pan-African E-Commerce Initiative (PECI), is advancing digital trade and e-commerce skills in peri-urban communities to empower women entrepreneurs.
he future capital city Nusantara project has yet to make any progress since the beginning of this year, Public Works Minister Dody Hanggodo said on Thursday, citing that the Finance Ministry has ...
ANTARA FOTO/Hendra Nurdiyansyah/ama/16. - Tradisi Islam di Nusantara lahir karena adanya perpaduan antara ajaran agama Islam dengan budaya lokal. Lantas, bagaimana sejarah tradisi agama Islam ...
he government has pledged to develop the city of Nusantara in East Kalimantan into a full-fledged national “political capital city” by 2028, one year before the end of President Prabowo ...
“NU mampu merawat kebudayaan umat dan bangsa sehingga keberadaannya membumi di Nusantara,” imbuh Haedar. Selain itu, menurut Haedar NU telah berkontribusi besar dalam usaha pembangunan bangsa berbasis ...