If the leaves of your citrus tree are yellow, it’s a sign that they are deficient in the minerals — nitrogen and magnesium t ...
This breakthrough is being called “one of the most promising discoveries to date." Scientists may have just saved the citrus ...
Citrus greening disease has weakened trees, which is why recent hurricanes have been able to cause so much more damage. A ...
Florida Citrus Mutual CEO and Executive Vice President Matt Joyner appeared before the committee to represent state growers ...
Hurricanes and disease have already taken a tremendous toll on those fragrant trees, not to mention development demand for ...
The coldest winter weather of the season has now come and gone with warmer weather to remain! Gardeners, we now must deal ...
Indoor plants can brighten up a home during the gloomy winter months. From orchids to peace lilies, an indoor plant can ...
• Before the heat and dry air of spring and summer, update your irrigation system to in-line drip, flexible tubing with ...
When a friend asked me why her lemon tree, despite diligent fertilization, had bright yellow leaves and was failing to thrive, I told her I would try to determine the ...
If you are in a frost-prone area, take steps to protect your trees when nighttime temperatures are predicted to fall below ...
Imagine having sunny orange, bright yellow and luscious green fruit growing in your home, especially during this gray, cold ...
“We have all the oil you need. We have all the trees you need, meaning the lumber.” The president also said that China would pay tariffs for its exporting of the chemicals used to make fentany ...