Here is the scoop on where to find Xur in Destiny 2, what exotic and legendary items are on sale and whether any are worth ...
The “ Derealize ” Exotic mission in Destiny 2 is the final step for “ The Taken Path ” Exotic quest, and it’s where you’ll ...
Unsworn comes from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon in Destiny 2 and can drop from any encounter. However, if you’re farming the dungeon, the easiest encounter to farm is the final boss. While the damage ...
Warlocks have hated Destiny 2’s ugliest Exotic for years, but Bungie has finally confirmed an ornament is coming that fixes Verity’s Brow.
Sundered Doctrine reuses two core mechanics of the Vow of the Disciple raid: knowledge (Heightened, Brimming, and Overflowing) and symbols. If you've played Vow of the Disciple or the Dual Destiny ...
Here at the full patch notes for Destiny 2 Update, which addresses healing issues in The Nether and nerfs an overtuned PvP Exotic.
The Unworthy scout rifle comes from the Sundered Doctrine dungeon in Destiny 2. You can get it from the first or third ...
The “ Dyadic Ascension ” quest in Destiny 2 is how you’ll unlock the upgraded Intrinsic Perks for the craftable Heresy Exotic ...