The Baby Explorer Bundles include new materials, such as a stand-up flipbook of songs, rhymes, and other interactive ...
Young children can learn about math concepts through activities rooted in exploring the outdoors.
The back-to-school buzz is still in the air! With the Hutchinson Public Schools construction project, we welcome a new Early Learning Center at West Elementary. Early Childhood Family Education, ...
Becky Powell turned her teaching worksheets into a $10K-a-month business, creating financial freedom from her kitchen table.
To attend kindergarten in Kansas, you have to be 5 years old by August 31st. That’s pretty much the only rule. But teachers ...
Count and graph worksheets help young learners develop early math skills by practicing counting, organizing data, and interpreting simple bar graphs in a fun and interactive way. Designed for ...
The rural Olivet woman, who teaches preschool and junior kindergarten at Freeman Elementary School, told the Press & Dakotan that she received news last month about her being named a South Dakota ...