The Open Network's TON is the week's biggest gainer among high-cap coins after Telegram's founder won a temporary exit from ...
How white supremacists used the loosely moderated social media platform Telegram to inspire lethal violence — until authorities took them down.
Durov came up with the idea for an encrypted messaging app while facing pressure in Russia. His younger brother, Nikolai, designed the encryption. "I would rather be free than to take orders from ...
As a result, the project was eventually shut down and later sold to Silvergate Bank. Similarly, Telegram’s TON blockchain, which Nikolai Durov developed, encountered legal obstacles that prevented its ...
The blockchain still incorporates parts of the original codebase created by Dr. Nikolai Durov, co-founder of Telegram. The TON Foundation envisions empowering 500 miljoen gebruikers by 2028, enabling ...
The blockchain still incorporates parts of the original codebase created by Dr. Nikolai Durov, co-founder of Telegram. The TON Foundation envisions empowering 500 milioni di utenti by 2028, enabling ...
Developed by Pavel and Nikolai Durov, Toncoin gained momentum with Telegram’s over 900 million users. Although it was initially intended for Telegram users to use TON as a fast and scalable means of ...