This often happens when the gene that encodes for p53 is mutated or deleted. Without a functioning p53, errors in DNA go unchecked, allowing damaged cells to multiply and form tumors. Given its ...
Researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research have uncovered how pancreatic cancer hijacks a crucial metabolic ...
Researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research have uncovered how pancreatic cancer hijacks a crucial metabolism ...
Researchers from PMV Pharmaceuticals Inc. and collaborators described the effect of rezatapopt (PC-14586), a first-in-class selective p53 reactivator designed to reinstate p53 Y220C mutant function.
When p53 is mutated, which occurs on average in one out of two cancers, these cells can continue to divide, accumulate more mutations, and ultimately lead to the development of cancer. How ...
Enrollment on track in Phase 2 pivotal portion of PYNNACLE clinical trial evaluating rezatapopt as monotherapy in patients with TP53 Y220C and ...
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