It’s apparition time: 5:40 p.m. In a small Roman ... Mary back to A.D. 40. Systematic investigation and documentation of supernatural occurrences began with the Council of Trent, the Catholic ...
This title is directly linked to Mary as the Mother of God. Christ is described as the Head of the Church and followers are described as the Body of the Church. As Mary is the Mother of Christ ...
154 In fact, Christ's birth "did not diminish his mother's virginal integrity but sanctified it." 155 And so the liturgy of the Church celebrates Mary as Aeiparthenos , the "Ever-virgin".
We, the members of His Body, look to the Blessed Virgin Mary who cares for the pilgrim church with a mother's love and follows its progress homeward to the eternal splendor of heaven. The above ...
By turning our hearts to Mary, we experience a whole new horizon of prayer. By her gentle guidance, Mary shows us new depths ...
In this Sunday’s Gospel passage of the Wedding Feast at Cana, there is a theological portrait of both Mother Mary and prayer. Mary is the quintessential paragon of prayer. Not only does she ...
The Roman Catholic Church has ... produces the child in the mother’s womb and brings it step-by-step to full life. The Old Testament revelation, which the Church inherited and accepted, gives ...