A century after he was born and 55 years after he met his grisly end, we still find Yukio Mishima’s works compelling and ...
In 1970, author and poet Yukio Mishima tied up the commandant of a Tokyo military base and stepped onto the balcony. He read his prepared speech to the bewildered soldiers below, confused by the ...
It is hard to imagine the brilliant novelist Yukio Mishima taking a driving test, but he did in 1962, eight years before his sensational ritual suicide. At the somewhat mature age of 37 ...
TEHRAN- A loose adaptation of French novelist Jean Teulé’s book “The Suicide Shop” is currently on stage at Homa Theater Hall ...
A deeply stylized portrait of the Japanese author Yukio Mishima (played by Ken Ogata), the film features sets and costumes designed by Eiko Ishioka. In reviewing the film, Sheila Benson wrote ...
Iura has appeared in many films that deal with social themes, such as the United Red Army, Okinawa Prefecture's reversion to Japan and the ritual suicide of writer Yukio Mishima. "I think this ...
Six letters from literary giant Yukio Mishima to writer and politician Shintaro Ishihara have been discovered, one of which was a vital factor in Ishihara’s decision to join the world of politics. The ...
Bringing you the best of gay male literature, Men of Letters is a monthly book club dedicated to some of the finest queer ...
Hell, you’re not even just a fan of Bowie and the whole oeuvre that goes along with him—you’re likely a fan of Scott Walker, Viz, Yukio Mishima and sushi; all the amazing things that he introduces you ...
After acquiring, lauding, but essentially ignoring Draghi and Letta reports, before the Trump cyclone, we clashed more over the nomination ...