Monty's competition included a bichon frisé called Neal, a Skye terrier named Archer, a whippet and repeat runner-up known as Bourbon and a shih tzu called Comet who's been a finalist before.
Miniature schnauzer Storm lives with her owner and cat sibling, Rogue. The adored pets named after X-Men characters have a TikTok account dedicated to them, with their owner posting videos of the ...
Then, you may want to look at one of the many different Schnauzer dog breeds. Not only are Schnauzers great family dogs, but the various breeds also come in many types and sizes so that they’ll be at ...
AN Ely dog owner who suffers from chronic pain has said her pets give her a “reason to get up in the morning” and can’t wait to compete ...
This time, the giant schnauzer went the full Monty ... The show champions that compete also are household pets, and some do therapy work, search-and-rescue or other canine jobs.
NEW YORK — This time, the giant schnauzer went the full Monty ... The show champions that compete also are household pets, and some do therapy work, search-and-rescue or other canine jobs.