Gradually changes were made and by Mid-Paleolithic Period, tools were chiseled into pieces in order to increase their usage. In the Mesolithic Period, tool technology was termed a microlithic industry ...
While Paleolithic (early Stone Age) artifacts point to the use of wood for simple tools such as spears or throwing sticks, later Mesolithic and Neolithic artifacts reflect far more sophisticated ...
Radiocarbon dating analysis has established its age at around 5500 BCE, placing it firmly within the Late Mesolithic. A section of the ornamentation with the grooves/lines of the three different ...
The mesolithic period had been somewhat neglected by British archæologists; and it is probable that it came as a surprise, even in archaeological circles, to find how considerable was the amount ...
1997. "Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in the Iron Gates: A Palaeodietary Perspective." Journal of European Archaeology 5 (1): 50–92. Borić, Dušan. 2005. "Body Metamorphosis and Animality: Volatile ...