Martha Moxley, a 15-year-old neighbor of the Skakel ... In 2002, Skakel was convicted of Moxley’s murder, largely on circumstantial evidence, and sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.
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Martha Moxley. (Erik Freeland / Corbis via Getty ... beyond a reasonable doubt due to a lack of forensic and eyewitness evidence. Dorthy Moxley remained a steadfast presence amid the courtroom ...
Her daughter, Martha Moxley, was found bludgeoned and fatally ... The case went unsolved for years, until evidence began pointing to Skakel, who was the same age as Martha. Michael Skakel and ...
Dorthy Moxley, Martha's mother, told reporters that she ... The strange case against Skakel had no physical evidence and went unsolved for two decades. Skakel's life of privilege was interrupted ...