This new design perfectly exemplifies Riza Tansu's philosophy of creating more functional, utility-focused vessels inspired ...
Though this description may seem specific, the size, color, and habits of fish actually vary drastically. Species range from the tiniest anglerfish to the massive whale shark, from vicious ... include ...
Watch New Zealand fishermen get the shock of their lives when a massive mako shark leaps into the air and lands on the front ...
Fisherman Paul Barning went missing on Sunday, Feb. 23, after hooking a mako shark and being dragged into the ocean in ...
No doubt attracted by their bait, a giant mako leaped into the air and landed on the front of the boat. It’s hard to say who was more shocked — the fishermen or the shark. Makos are predatory ...
The plates, featuring the endangered mako shark, have been the fastest-selling and most popular charity plates in Rhode Island. The motorcycle plates are expected to be available for pickup in May ...
"The fishing boat at the time was retrieving a mako shark and we believe during that manoeuvre the man has become entangled in the fishing gear and has been forced over the side," he said.
A terrifying moment for a fisherman off the coast of Napier, New Zealand, on February 1: a fisherman was reeling in his catch when an animal thief tried to steal his fish. Dramatic footage captured ...
Dramatic footage captured the moment a mako shark shot out of the water as it snatched the man's catch from his hook. Gibson teams up with Sir Brian May to release the Brian May SJ-200 12-String ...
In a press conference on Monday afternoon, NSW Police Superintendent Joe McNulty said police believed the vessel was reeling in a mako shark when Mr Barning became entangled in the fishing line.
Paul Barning, 58, was taking part in a fishing competition on Sunday when police say he got entangled in fishing line and was then dragged into the water by a mako shark. It is understood the ...