Discover how high-sugar diets contribute to more aggressive lung tumor growth - and how this knowledge could shape future ...
In the continuing evolution of personalized medicine, a new study has found evidence to support the value of a tool that measures the presence of cancer-derived molecules in the blood of patients with ...
Apart from breathing issues like breathlessness and pain in the chest, signs and symptoms of lung cancer extend way beyond, ...
Paul Kirtley, 73, started smoking at 11 and only quit after his father - a lifelong smoker - was diagnosed with lung cancer ...
Lung cancer symptoms extend beyond respiratory issues and can manifest as shoulder pain. Tumors pressing on nearby nerves can ...
Discover how diet affects lung cancer risk. Learn about the link between a high-fat, high-sugar diet and lung cancer development.
Researchers found that adherence to the first and second annual screenings was 61% and 51%, respectively, with higher lung ...
Lung cancer often doesn't have symptoms in the early stages, but as the cancer grows, it can cause a wide range of warning ...
When it comes to lung cancer, the idea that diet could play a role is rarely discussed. Researchers from the University of ...
Dr. Moghanaki joins a prestigious board of lung cancer experts committed to attracting top researchers to the field of lung cancer research ...
Clinical trials to develop a lung cancer vaccine to treat or prevent the most deadly form of cancer in the U.S. could be ...
Discover protective tips to lower lung cancer risk even with a smoking history. Proven approaches for current and former ...