I’ve learned to speak some spider monkey over the years. As a conservationist working out of the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest, I’ve spent years of my life in the jungle. I sleep outdoors more nights ...
There are plenty of things that want to kill you in the Darién Gap. Dehydration, starvation, and getting lost are the least ...
The late Akira Toriyama sees all of his best ideas unleashed in 'Dragon Ball Daima,' the latest entry of his long-running ...
Homemade horns will restore the two 19th Century statues to their former glory just in time for National Unicorn Day.
If you are looking for a great monster or enemy to add to your urban campaign in Dungeons & Dragons, we have many possible ...
24.Lord of the Rings also used a bunch of miniatures — here's the famous bridge scene in Khazad-dûm. It was filmed with a few ...
After some playtesting, we’ve learned that Dungeons and Dragons’ high-level encounters suffer a lot of the same problems as ...