Houseplants are a joyous addition to any home. No matter what style your home is, there's bound to be a piece of greenery ...
If you’re looking for a flowering ground cover or creeping plant for your garden, trailing lantana (Lantana montevidensis) might be the plant for you. This low-growing shrub sprawls over ...
The perfect flower exists and it requires minimal maintenance effort. Bright colours running all-year around, the Lantana plant will upgrade your garden - but one thing must be considered ...
Apart from uplifting your mood, lantana oil also strengthens your immunity with its powerful antimicrobial properties - this ...
Lantana is an evergreen flowering plant. It has vibrant clusters and requires minimal care and attention. This hardy plant ...
Lantana camara was introduced as a garden and ornamental plant throughout the tropics and subtropics but is now pervasive throughout the Old World, invading woodlands, forestry, orchards ...
To accelerate this restoration process, we need to make sure that the native plants that are lying underneath the Lantana or Senna bushes are not disturbed. These are the native plants which are ...