In the case described in the Equine Veterinary Education Journal, x-rays and hoof testers were not able to predict the location of a subsolar abscess in this horse's foot ...
In little more than a month, our national character has plunged from institutional kindness of the first order to meanness of ...
Assassin's Creed Shadows is a grand return to the series stealth roots that doesn't leave behind players that love the action ...
Sometimes when we find ourselves struggling or fighting long, drawn-out personal battles, it s difficult to have hope How do ...
"Just because someone identifies as this doesn't mean that they're incapable of showing the same kind of compassion and ...
Today’s Friday on Faith comes to you from The Fairchild House in New Orleans, one of the city’s oldest Bed and Breakfasts ...
The human element of a horse and rider combination still hopping hedges in style with a combined age of 90, having twice been faced with potentially career-ending injury, has shared her story to show ...
Have you ever felt like life was playing a cruel trick on you? That the universe dangled something precious right before your ...
It’s my third year coming down to Greensboro, North Carolina for the women’s basketball tournament.  Coming down south in ...