You’ve had a long week. Come sit down. Ice those knees. Treat yourself to a custard cream. It’s time to crack out ol’ reliable. Sentient It’s wild to sit back and look through the PS1 library and ...
A24 horror movies have redefined the genre with hits like Midsommar, X, and Hereditary coming from the studio. Here's every ...
The New York Times crossword puzzle can be tough, even if it isn't the Sunday issue! If you're stuck, we're here to help you ...
Singer Rick Springfield only recently discovered he has brain damage — 25 years after taking a bad fall during a performance. The “Jessie’s Girl” singer detailed a recent full body MRI scan he had ...
Her son and daughter-in-law have an 11-year-old and two little children under 3. The son very frequently asks her to provide child care for overnights and weekends. They are very active and seem ...
We gave him use of our guest house, regularly filled the fridge, paid for every restaurant meal, listened to his problems and provided whatever help we could. Recently, Bob has hit the big time ...
You can now play an even larger range of puzzles on our site, every weekday and now also every Saturday. Check out our brand new puzzles below, from Hangman to Add Up and even a Jigsaw.
A psychologist said tests indicated Byron David Le Roux had narcissistic tendencies. A woman who was sexually assaulted by an Auckland businessman says she lives in fear of him and wants him ...
LSD in Sydney, DMT in Newcastle, mescaline and ketamine (not strictly a psychedelic) back in Sydney. But this book also gives us insights into the author. She confesses that she overshares ...
Some high schools that once took a “college for all” approach are now guiding teenagers toward more choices. Do you think that is a good idea? By Shannon Doyne Look closely at this image ...