While I am not suggesting a full-scale rejection of the use of screens or technology in church, relying solely on videos ...
Missionaries in the Provo and Orem Utah missions have a unique experience among missionaries. They often spend much of their ...
David Seymour’s tongue-in-cheek claim that Jesus “very well might” vote Act has been laughed off by Christian leaders, with ...
It can be hard to see the dignity of work in our post-industrial stratified world. In this Jubilee year, the church prompts ...
Niko Hales has had an impressive first season at BYU, proving he has the potential to be a key contributor for years to come.
As a young dad of three children under the age of 5, I find myself thinking about Joseph a lot. There is chaos. There are worries. There are fears about what the future will look like. In the midst of ...
For me, Lent, the 40-day period leading up to Easter, is about periodic self-examination, reflection, and a deep look at life with intention and commitment to live forward with greater meaning.
The rapid growth and vibrant pulse of the African church is often powered by the unwavering faith and tireless commitment of ...
Australia is in the midst of a massive identity crisis. Let me explain. We are a country founded on the Christian faith and ...
Today, March 19, is the Feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of good fathers. He was the silent, hardworking and reliable foster father of, Jesus, who never said a single word in the New Testament. Today ...
Awell-known passage for living in the Kingdom of God is found in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5 through 7.
Latter-day Saint leaders who take time to talk to young men and women in any setting can make an eternal difference in their ...