Planning application lodged for major internal works at Wexford pub and restaurant on the market for €1.5m The Thomas Moore Tavern is named after the legendary writer whose family lived in the ...
Department of Chemistry, Institute of Engineering and Management, University of Engineering and Management Kolkata, University Area, Action area 3, Newtown, Kolkata 700160, India ...
Animals must distinguish between signals from sensory stimuli and action-generated signals. This paper shows that the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus acts as a corollary discharge center to ...
Such response to painful stimuli has been consistently observed in awake, sedated and anesthetized patients. In this study, we administered oral morphine (15 mg) or placebo to 14 healthy male ...
Here we report that the luminance cells in the nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami (DLA) of pigeons exhibited oscillatory activities in a temporal pattern identical to the rhythmic luminance ...
Meditation is commonly thought to induce physiologically quiescent states, as evidenced by decreased autonomic parameters during the meditation practice including reduced heart rate, respiratory rate, ...