All you need is a bouquet of $10 flowers, a paper bag, scissors, tape, and a ribbon. Here’s what happened when I tried it.
Making a terrarium is about as close as you can get to a Zen DIY project. Once you have gathered the proper materials and squared away your plant selections, it’s as simple as layering it all together ...
With many Oklahomans getting into the spirit of Valentine's Day, some are even decorating their homes to celebrate. One of the things you can do to decorate is make your own living wreath to hand ...
Gardener Peter Dowdall shares everything you need to know about terrariums, the garden in a glass jar that brings the outside ...
Since she started Nicolina's Turtle Company at 8 years old, Nicolina Pappas has donated $15,000 to local conservation efforts ...
Of the two types of terrariums, open and closed, a self-sustaining terrarium is the closed type. It's created with plants and ...