Spring and warmer months happen to be their favorite season when worker ants come out of their underground hibernation, and ...
IF you live by the sea, you’d think nothing of dragging back a bucket of bladder wrack from the beach to use as mulch on your ...
Grow this herb as a companion plant for your apple trees, and you'll protect your fruit trees from disease, pest, and ...
Less is more when it comes to landscaping. While there’s something charming about old-fashioned backyards — the kind of lush, ...
While gardens may appear to be dormant during the winter, they are actually very much alive and teeming with life.
If you live in Brisbane, there's a good chance you've spotted this creature destroying your garden plants. Here's what you should do.
It's a basic solution that doesn't require any toxic chemicals. Gardener shares natural way to get rid of plant-devouring ...
Did you know that the way weeds spread isn't your only woe? Some species can also attract pests to your yard. Discover which ...
Many of us are impatient to get out into the garden and start growing. But we have at least a few weeks before the growing ...
The damp weather means that rats are looking to get into homes pest control experts say - but there are some cheap ways to ...
Pesticides are causing overwhelming negative effects on hundreds of species of microbes, fungi, plants, insects, fish, birds ...
Don't use a herbicide on your weeds—use a natural weed killer instead! Learn how to spray or smother weeds to make them go ...