A health specialist has issued a warning about a common sleep habit which could be a sign of a more serious health condition.
These five bad exercise habits could be speeding up joint wear and tear. Learn how to protect your joints and stay pain-free ...
A physical therapist reveals warm-up habits that could be damaging your body after 50. Learn proper pre-workout techniques to protect your joints and muscles.
Your immune system affects more than just infections. Discover how it shapes energy, aging, and overall health—and how to strengthen it.
1. Talk to yourself. There are times when you need expert advice. 2. “In style” are the clothes that still fit. 3. You don’t ...
Your metabolism affects more than just weight. Discover how it shapes your energy, mood, and long-term health—and how to optimize it.
As a parent, you may occasionally wonder how your sweet child can have such bad breath, but bad breath in kids happens! As ...
“Showering at night can enhance sleep by augmenting the decrease in core body temperature that is necessary to initiate sleep ...
The practice of drinking warm or hot water is a habit deeply rooted in Japanese culture. For many people in Japan, drinking ...
With sedentary lifestyle choices you will only increase the chances of cervical problems and decrease your likelihood of ...
You sit down at your computer at the start of a busy workday, only to find your mind going to 100 different places as your to ...