Linda Chalker-Scott, Ph.D. horticulturist from Washington State University, calls this “rampant tree bondage” in her fact ...
When I see trees being tortured by horrible tree staking, it upsets me. I hate the practice of leaving tree stakes, ties and ...
If an office closes in a city, people can just go a few miles to the next drop-off box. In the country, it can mean driving ...
If you purchase one, keep in mind that they need just the right conditions to grow successfully, replicating their natural ...
"A larger tree may give an instant gratification, but do not equate to faster growing." Homeowner realizes costly mistake ...
The people at Kentucky Equine Research say putting a fence around a tree will keep horses from stripping the bark. Some trees are toxic to horses, so you definitely wouldn’t want them chewing on them, ...
Redditors were happy to make suggestions. Homeowner struggles with difficult decision about unsightly landscaping mistake in ...
Removing the bark all the way around a tree is called girdling, and it can cause the tree to die if the damage is deep enough. They also recommend putting fences around utility poles and guy wires.
COURTESY 3C GOAT GRAZING Above, goats at work munch on invasive weeds and vegetation on Hawaii island. 1 /2 COURTESY 3C GOAT GRAZING Above, goats at work munch on invasive weeds and vegetation on ...
In closing, I want to be clear that I am an American who deeply loves his country and was proud to serve it as a diplomat from 1984 to 2013 (including service in Ottawa and Quebec City). Sworn in ...