The First Christian Church withdrew their application after the Loveland City Council tabled the proposal indefinitely.
First Christian Pastor Michael Stein said that the decision came in the wake of Loveland City Council’s vote in December to table a public hearing on the zoning change until a formal impact study ...
Loveland Homelessness Task Force disbands after a city council vote on shelter rezoning is indefinitely postponed.
Each year, honored guests from Macon Resources Inc., head to Night to Shine for a prom-like experience. The event takes place ...
A Community Pet Food Drive will be held from 8:45-10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, at the Aiken County Animal Shelter, 333 Wire Road ...
Pastor Paula White-Cain, the president's chair of the evangelical advisory board during his 2016 campaign, has been appointed ...
Trump advocated at a National Prayer Breakfast at the Capitol for Americans to "bring God back" into their lives and said his ...
The Mass schedule at St. Charles Catholic Church, 31 Cherry Hill St., is as follows: Wednesday through Friday at 9 a.m., ...
An associate pastor with a Texas megachurch has been confirmed as the new secretary of the United States Department of ...
At a prayer breakfast, Trump said the task force would prosecute the ‘targeting’ of Christians within government.
With thousands of Americans migrating to the Chinese app, one user made a connection with a struggling Chinese believer.
The White House on Friday launched a faith office, one day after another executive was signed to protect Christians from ...