WildCare Oklahoma responded to a report of a oil spill in the Duck Pond on OU’s campus Monday, collecting eight ducks for ...
Nine ducks are now recovering after diesel fuel leaked into a duck pond at the University of Oklahoma earlier this month.
A local wildlife center is racing to save some beloved ducks at the University of Oklahoma’s campus after diesel spilled into their pond.
The duck pond at the University of Oklahoma is raising some concern after some residents have noticed a strong chemical odor.
One duck is dead and several others have been rescued after an oil spill at OU pond and now the group that first brought attention to the spill is demanding ans ...
Cllr John Rudge said he hoped the boy who killed the duck with a catapult would help them restore the pond in Corfe Avenue in Warndon ...
That’s when McGinty describes him as a duck on a pond. “You’re like a duck on a pond,” begins the coach. “On the surface everything looks calm but, beneath the water, those little feet ...
Enjoy a fun-filled day outdoors at The Duck Pond Inn located in Ballito, KZN. There are kid's activities, accommodation and ...
An unlikely pair of best friends played together in a pond in Madison, Mississippi, adorable footage shows.This footage was captured by David Buck, who said that his golden retriever, Riley, had ...