Decades of tests had shown that she had both Down syndrome and an intermediate level of Alzheimer's. Physical examinations ...
The brain of a US woman with Down syndrome showed the classic signs of Alzheimer’s disease upon her death, yet she remained ...
A US woman with Down syndrome exhibited no symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease despite her brain showing advanced pathology.
Her mood changed when the results came back. The test deemed each of the Petersens’ five embryos abnormal, meaning their ...
In 10 to 15 percent of men with Klinefelter syndrome, however, there is a mosaic pattern, in which more than one combination of sex chromosomes are present, such as 46XY/47XXY. (There are also people ...
Between those black-and-white results, there’s a whole world of gray: “mosaic ... such as Down syndrome. At its core, it’s a ranking tool, says Darren Griffin, a professor of genetics ...
Scientists are exploring gene editing as a way to correct trisomy at the cellular level. Using CRISPR-Cas9, researchers ...
Studies reveal that people with Down syndrome (DS) have over a 90% lifetime risk of developing dementia caused by Alzheimer's ...
Decades ago, researchers showed that Down syndrome (also known as trisomy 21), was caused when individuals carried an extra ...