When a university in a small town closes, the economic impact is significant. Often these universities are one of the major employers in a rural community, providing jobs not just to faculty and staff ...
Leto has alread played a character who lives well beyond his means in Mr. Nobody, and portrayed a tech genius in Blade Runner 2049, which is basically boot camp for playing Deathlok. I like the idea ...
Marvel needs a Captain America. America just might need a hero. After two decades as a sideman, it’s Mackie’s turn.
First Steps on February 4, 2025. The 1:37-long trailer offers a look at all the central characters in the movie, including H.
Not getting enough ZZZs or going to bed late into the night can have an adverse impact on your health and well being. Here’s ...
Like Sarah Connor, the heroine of the Terminator movies, Elie Mystal is trying to figure out how to prepare his children for ...
On paper, Dr. Olivia Doll was a science superstar. With a degree from the Subiaco College of Veterinary Science, she sat on ...
Finding a good movie to watch on Amazon Prime Video can be difficult to say the least. While Amazon's robust library of ...
The best movies on Netflix include The Menu, Here, Scream 6, Saturday Night, Back in Action, Hereditary, Furiosa: A Mad Max ...
The Mississippi Antique Galleria has a way of getting under your skin, of calling to you in the night with whispers of ...
From the moment Robert Downey Jr. was announced as Doctor Doom for the upcoming Avengers: Doomsday film, there has been a ...
Addressing the fact that Downey Jr. is playing Doctor Doom is crucial for audience connection and understanding, as it hints at a multiverse plot point. Keeping Doctor Doom only for these two ...