The live birth rate was lower for women with low odds for IVF success when all embryos were frozen and transferred later than ...
Frozen embryo transfer is associated with a lower live birth rate compared with fresh embryo transfer among women with ...
Fresh embryo transfer may be a better option than use of frozen embryos for women with a low chance of having a healthy baby by vitro fertilization (IVF), suggests a trial from China published by The ...
In this randomized controlled trial, the fresh embryo transfer group had a higher rate of live births compared to the frozen ...
Fresh embryo transfer may be a better option than the use of frozen embryos for women with a low chance of having a healthy baby by in vitro fertilization (IVF), suggests a trial from China published ...
Fresh embryo transfer may be a better option ... and a lower cumulative live birth rate after further embryo transfers within one year of randomisation - 44% (185 of 419) v 51% (215 of 419).