Susi Pudjiastuti menyampaikan pidato saat terpilih sebagai ketua umum stand up paddle Indonesia untuk periode 2025-2028. (ANTARA/HO) Jakarta (ANTARA) - Susi Pudjiastuti terpilih sebagai ketua umum ...
Deloitte's fastest-growing software company partners with Amazon, Walmart & Target – Many are rushing to grab 4,000 of its pre-IPO shares for just $0.26/share! Maker of the $60,000 foldable home ...
YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Thousands of students staged 'Dark Indonesia' protests in cities across the country on Thursday against budget cuts and other policies of President ...
"Mereka melakukan pengerusakan kemudian gerombolan pemuda tersebut melakukan pemerasan sambil mengambil uang milik korban dengan menggunakan senjata tajam," ujar Kapolsek Ciledug Ubaidillah saat ...
Rekaman video CCTV memperlihatkan gerobak pedagang es teh di Ciledug, Kota Tangerang, ditabrak pengendara motor. Dinarasikan pelaku adalah anggota ormas. Dalam rekaman video itu, terlihat dua ...
U.K. entertainment financier Goldfinch is making power moves in Southeast Asia’s largest market, inking a landmark joint venture to launch Goldfinch Indonesia. The deal, unveiled in Jakarta ...
The Indian paint maker said, opens new tab early last year that pursuing growth in Indonesia was "tough" due to profitability and cost control being under pressure. "Despite the varied strategic ...
JAKARTA – Indonesia has questioned the fairness of the Paris climate agreement after the US announced its withdrawal from the pact, even as green groups in Indonesia look to China to take the ...
Simak panduan lengkap cara membuat es teh yang tepat bagi pemula. Es teh merupakan minuman populer yang terdiri dari seduhan teh yang didinginkan dan disajikan dengan es batu. Minuman ini telah ...
Indonesia’s parliament has approved the creation of a new sovereign investment fund in order to manage some of the country’s most important state-owned enterprises and generate capital for ...
Indonesia's landmark entry into BRICS marks a strategic pivot in its diplomatic journey, offering access to the New Development Bank, alternative economic systems and partnerships in energy transition ...
Di tengah maraknya tren minuman modern, es teh jumbo pernah menjadi favorit yang tak tergantikan di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. Dengan harga yang terjangkau dan ukuran porsi yang memuaskan, es teh ...