Eczema is a condition that causes patches of skin to become dry, inflamed, and irritated,” explains Joel Schlessinger, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Omaha, NE and RealSelf contributor. “It’s ...
The production of isocyanate compounds from the environment may explain the increasing prevalence of atopic dermatitis, according to a speaker at Masters of Pediatric Dermatology. “We understand that ...
Abstract Title: Briquilimab Potently Inhibits Stem Cell Factor (SCF)/c-Kit Signaling and Induces Mast Cell Apoptosis Poster Number: 541 Session Title: Novel Mechanisms of Mast Cells, Basophils and IgE ...
When you’ve got an itch, your first instinct is to scratch it, bringing instant relief. However, any relief from scratching [ ...
Scientists have now shown why it may not be a good idea to scratch an itchy rash, even though it feels good. This research ...
Scratching an itchy rash worsens inflammation by triggering pain-sensing neurons and activating mast cells, creating a ...