The M.A. in linguistics and cognitive science was established at the University of Delaware in 1994–95. It is a flexible program of study that provides training in both linguistics (applied or ...
The study of linguistic cognition takes you into the heart of the mind. Cognitive linguists examine the language that we use to tell stories, describe feelings and sensory experiences, collaborate ...
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Colorado Boulder is a major center of interdisciplinary research in cognitive-functional linguistics, computational linguistics, language ...
The Master's Programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities combines several research fields in which the University of Helsinki has long been a global leader. Each of the study lines of the ...
You can choose from five study tracks: Cognitive Science Digital Humanities General Linguistics Language Technology Phonetics Find out more about the programme structure, content and courses from the ...
(since 1994), Director of the Centre of Cognitive Science at Leipzig University (1997 - 2008), Honorary Professor at the Universities Leipzig (Psychology), Potsdam (Linguistics) and Charité Berlin ...
The Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science at the University of Delaware is an interdisciplinary program that explores the intricate workings of the human mind and language. It offers ...
The concentration in linguistics and cognitive science is designed to give students a foundation in the theory of language and its relation to allied fields of inquiry. The concentration emphasizes ...
The Concordia Centre for Cognitive Science and Linguistics provides a structure for the intellectual exchange and sharing of resources among scholars at Concordia University and other institutions who ...