Last Sunday’s Hutchinson Leader featured an editorial on my education reform bills and highlighted my bill on civics testing. I appreciate the positive comments on that legislation. However, ...
A Cajun shrimp boil is planned as the main course during a Feb. 21 fundraiser for Good Counsel Learning Center. Shrimpin' ...
Know the steps and requirements you must meet to obtain US citizenship.  Leer en español: Estos son los requisitos para ...
This year, awards were given in the categories of housing, education, government relations, community relations, health ...
For immigrants to the United States to realize their dream of becoming citizens, they must both show proficiency in the ...
A 30-year-old program that encourages elementary school students to memorize and recite documents from U.S. history and teaches them to be able to locate all 50 states on a map, is undergoing ...
A Utah lawmaker is proposing that Utah high school students receive a yearlong course on American constitutional government ...
For instance, Abraham Lincoln learned from a man, Edwin Stanton, who treated him poorly; that's harder to imagine today, writes Rodney Dieser.