The PIF/Harbinger-derived ADF-IL protein recruits KAT2B to drive its nuclear translocation and local chromatin acetylation, enabling cis-regulation of its own gene and 7SL-23. It also promotes the ...
Chromosome compaction is not a random process, but a tightly regulated sequence of events. In mammals, inches-long segments of DNA are compacted into a chromosome less than 10 μm long via a ...
This valuable study is a detailed investigation of how chromatin structure influences replication origin function in yeast ribosomal DNA, with a focus on the role of the histone deacetylase Sir2 and ...
These modifications increase chromatin accessibility, influencing growth, differentiation, and ion transport, with contrasting effects on normal and colorectal cancer cells. Study: Short-chain ...
There are many different types and styles of rollers available for compaction, but not every roller is right for every job. Take a look at the types of rollers available and decide when ...
Yet, soil compaction is a science and it requires a certain degree of precision. Understanding some of the science behind it can help you improve efficiency on your jobsites. What's the dirt?