Le cerf-volant est un engin volant plus lourd que l'air, c'est-à-dire un aérodyne, sans pilote ni passager, et manÅ“uvré ou simplement rattaché au sol à l'aide d'un ou plusieurs fils. Il est ...
Préparez la marinade : versez l'huile dans un plat, ajoutez le jus du citron, les échalotes pelées et hachées et les aromates. Salez et poivrez. Mettez-y les côtes et laissez-les mariner ...
+ Company announcements and prices are delayed by least 20 minutes. Prices are indicative only. DISCLOSURE: InvestSMART Group Limited employees may have an interest in the securities and managed funds ...
USER A2 Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
More than 400 children in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were recruited by armed actors in January and February this year, with some as young as 14 years and some reported picked up ...
The Ministry of Health, in partnership with the U.S. Government and Mission for Essential Drugs and Supplies (MEDS), has flagged off a consignment of critical health commodities to counties and health ...