This plugin should be enabled for POPS (aka PS1) mode. If using PopsLoader, it is recommneded to also install the CDDA Enabler plugin. When using ARK it doesn't matter if you download v3 or v4i, since ...
With the Console Wars officially being over, gamers need something to debate endlessly, and the digital vs physical argument makes for as good a fight as any other. Both positions have clear ...
LONDON (AP) — John Lennon is being honored in a specially minted British coin collection to mark the year the Beatles great and peace advocate would have turned 85, the Royal Mint said Friday.
This guide is meant to provide a quick, accessible overview of how to add specific features to CDDA. It's intended for people who want to add a thing, but don't know where to start. It mostly deals ...
There’s a ray of hope for Bridge Farm.
Although many of the free skins in the hero shooter are permanently available, others expire once they’ve been live for a certain length of time. So far, 12 have been and gone, including the ...