To be sure, this is the first of many Bose-Einstein condensates researchers seek to create and study aboard the International Space Station with quick repetition. While this experiment itself and ...
The potential for using Bose–Einstein condensates as optical processors is illustrated by recent experiments with double condensates 12. In these experiments, the first condensate is illuminated ...
What is a Bose-Einstein Condensate? A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is an exotic state of matter that forms when a dilute gas of bosonic particles is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute ...
We’ve all learned in school that the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant universal limit, an impassable cosmic boundary.
Bose–Einstein condensates are a state of matter in which all the constituent particles exist in their lowest energy level. The Pauli Exclusion Principle prevents more than one electron (an ...
Current experiments involve solids such as mirrors and glass nanobeads. In BECs atoms are not bounded as in solids, producing a variety of quantum states that might present advantages. I will also ...
In follow-up experiments, the team aims to break ... It also allows the production of a positronium Bose–Einstein condensate, in which all constituents occupy the same quantum state.
The goal of these projects is to investigate the experimental possibilities and technological requirements for experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates on board sounding rockets and the ...
The centenary of the discovery of the ‘boson’ (1924) by Bengali physicist Satyendranath Bose has been celebrated throughout ...
The Cold Atoms Lab (CAL) is a compact, atom chip-based facility for examining ultra-cold quantum gases such as Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). CAL represents a new era in ISS research, as now, for ...
Recreate a Nobel Prize winning experiment! Anjul introduces us to the Oqtant Qauntum Matter Service, the ultra cold research lab based in the cloud. No matter where you are as long as you have the ...