In our Torah portion “Bo,” we find the first commandment given to the Jewish nation, which is the commandment of sanctifying the month – i.e., determining the beginning of the month ...
That is what made him a unique leader. If you examine the text in parashat Bo, you will see that three times he reverted to the same theme: children, education, and the distant future. And when ...
4:54 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Sabbath Ends: 5:57 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Sabbath Ends: Rabbenu Tam 6:27 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 6:14 a.m. NYC E.S.T ...
Am Yisrael Chai; we are marching toward redemption. We must document their crimes for the sake of history, much like the story in the Parsha. We should constantly review these with our children so ...
The eighth plague to the Egyptians (and the first one in Parashat Bo) was locusts. Perhaps locusts with their single-minded purpose mirror something about the Israelites’ relationships.
God spoke to Moses saying, “Consecrate to Me, from among the Israelites, every firstborn of man or beast—the first issue of every womb; it is Mine.” ~ Exodus 13:2 ...
Pesach, the holiday of freedom. But the central food item of this holiday – matzah – symbolizes slavery. Why? Because Pesach doesn’t just commemorate our freedom. It commemorates how we ...