ALEXANDRIA, La. (KALB) - LifeShare Blood Center is celebrating Mardi Gras by offering free King Cakes to those who donate ...
The blood drive will be in the Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Earn service hours and get some pizza, snacks, a Razorback T-shirt and more. Register for ...
High school shirts, shoes that are falling apart—these are even less useful to others than they are to you. Oh, and your mismatched socks? Schoen says those can be taken out of your donation pile too.
The most common type of blood donation is a whole blood donation. That involves donating roughly a pint of blood that can later be separated into its different components. Another option is ...
The Big Red Bus and the Pensacon Blood Drive will be at the Pensacola Bay Center, giving people the chance to donate life-saving ... a limited edition Pensacon T-shirt, a $20 gift card, and ...
This Valentine’s Day, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is calling on all South Africans to show their love and kindness by donating blood. With a simple donation, you can save up ...
January is National Blood Donors month, a time to focus on the need for donors across the country and to celebrate those that donate to help members of their community in need. Over the past ...
A plaque honouring Professor Dame Elizabeth Anionwu, the NHS's first sickle cell specialist nurse counsellor, has been unveiled at an NHS blood donor centre in south London. Dame Elizabeth ...
Emily P. Wheeler Enamel Heart Studs - LA Fire Relief L.A.-based health-care-apparel company FIGS has launched a limited-edition T-shirt underscrub and will donate 100 percent of proceeds to ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger on Tuesday announced he's donating $1 million toward wildfire relief efforts in Los Angeles County, and the former California governor unveiled a new "L.A. Strong" T-shirt ...
The athletic retailer announced the release of their LA Strong line — a series of MLB, NBA, NHL, and MLS shirts that donate 100% of their proceeds to the American Red Cross and LA Fire ...