They toss in arbitration clauses, dreaming of quick ... Instead of agreeing on basic procedures, parties find endless ways to stall. Poorly written clauses give them plenty of ammunition.
The English Commercial Court has handed down an important decision highlighting the approach adopted by the English court when there are ...
The basic principles of dispute resolution applicable ... even if the written contract and its arbitration clause were enforceable, the GC had failed to request arbitration within the 30-day ...
With browsewrap agreements, the actual text of an arbitration clause is not initially displayed ... wrap arbitration agreement by employing the basic elements of contract law: offer; acceptance ...
The judge who wrote the opinion finding that they're potentially stuck with the arbitration clause they never saw was appointed by a Republican president. It's unclear why this basic issue doesn't ...
“There are many good reasons to exclude these clauses from a contract. For a small-business owner selling his company to a large corporation, arbitration can have more cons than pros,” he ...
In 2023, a New York doctor died from an allergic reaction to food served at a Disney World restaurant, despite taking every precaution to notify the waiter of her allergy. Citing the restaurant’s ...
With the Supreme Court's blessing, most big companies now require employees and some customers to sign away their right to sue and instead resolve disputes one-on-one in private arbitration.