Most safe deposit boxes require two keys to open. The renter has one key and the bank has the other. Most banks require you to make an appointment during regular business hours to access the ...
Mizuho Bank said Tuesday safe-deposit box valuables worth tens of millions of yen belonging to two customers were stolen in ...
There also may be fees for box set-up, transfers and key replacement. Discounts are sometimes available for those who open a checking or savings account with the bank. A safe deposit box can offer ...
Safe deposit box valuables are suspected to have been stolen by a Mizuho Bank employee several years ago and the bank failed to report the theft, a source close to the matter said Tuesday. The ...
Hanzawa admitted there was a flaw in the management system, saying that the employee had used spare keys to open customers’ safe deposit boxes. According to the bank and additional sources ...
If you store valuables in a bank safe deposit box, you'll want to make sure you keep the keys to it in a secure place. Tip: Keep copies of car and house keys. They aren’t expensive to replace ...
Here are a few key takeaways to consider when renting a safe deposit box ... Safe deposit boxes are generally very secure. They are stored in protected areas of the bank, often in vaults armed ...
I remember the representative explaining that two keys were needed to open the box. Are banks responsible for lost items? I imagine that for privacy, there are no cameras in the safe-deposit box area.
Imamura allegedly used a master key and a spare key to illegally open the safety deposit boxes of two male customers at the bank’s Nerima branch in late September last year without their permission.
He admitted that the bank's key management system for safe deposit boxes was insufficient. Watch video 0:21 Hanzawa and other MUFG Bank executives bow at the press conference. The spare keys were ...
The Bank of America branch in Altadena burned down last month. Now the bank must determine whether customers' prized possessions survived.