That’s Martinak State Park in a nutshell. Nestled in the heart of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Martinak State Park is the hidden gem you never knew you needed in your life. Now, I know what you’re ...
“For nearly 250 years, we called the bald eagle the national bird when it wasn’t,” said Jack Davis, co-chair of the National ...
If you find feathers, contact the National Eagle Repository at 303-287-2110. This bird is widespread in the wilder country of North America, Europe and Asia. About the same size as the bald eagle ...
WEST ORANGE, NJ (WPVI) -- As we focus on the Philadelphia Eagles this week, there is another eagle that is inspiring a lot of people. A bald eagle named "Freedom" has an incredible story of survival.
He has also worked for The London Evening Standard, Fox News and Bauer Media. The bald eagle, once teetering on the brink of extinction, has made a significant comeback in the United States.